Tuesday 13 October 2015

Worlds creepiest unsolved murders: Prostitute murdered and drained of all her blood!

This sure is creepy! Stumbled across this and decided to share it with you all. This story is100percent fact and not fiction.

Lilly Linderstrom was a 32year old prostitute living in the Atlas neighbourhood of Stockholm,Sweden in the 1930s.

On the 4th of May 1932,lilly spent the day entertaining her clients in her small dingy apartment. That evening,she dropped into her neighbour Minnie's apartment requesting for condoms before returning to her flat,she never reappeared again.

Lily was found on her bed naked with all the blood drained from her body.

Minnie alerted the police on her friends disappearance. Upon entering lilly's flat,police discovered her naked on her bed with her clothes neatly folded on a chair next to her body.

She had engaged in sexual activity before her murder but what was most shocking was all her blood was drained from her body .A blood stained ladle spoon was also found which police believed was used to drink her blood .DNA had not been in the system as at the time of the murder so it was difficult to catch the killer despite body fluids at the murder scene.

Till this day,evidence is still on display at the Stockholm Police Museum.

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