Thursday 8 October 2015

Deported Paedo sneaks back into Britain

According to the Sun, a deported paedophile was able to sneak back into the  United Kingdom under a different identity.

Juan Guerra Landazuri, 44, was able to live in the UK under his new identity for two years. He was finally discovered when a teenager claimed he had sexually assaulted her.

 Juan Guerra Landazuri snuck back into BritainSuspect

Originally known as Juan Alejandro Guerra, Landazuri had been jailed for four years in 2002 for two offences of indecent assault on a girl aged under 14.
He was banned from working with children for life and banned from returning to the UK when he was deported in 2005 after serving his jail sentence.
But once back in Ecuador he legally changed his name and got a Spanish passport because he held dual nationality.
Landazuri then used the documents to re-enter Britain in August 2013 as part of a Spanish work exchange programme.
He moved to Ipswich, Suffolk, and worked for 18 months with a care company helping 15 to 19-year-olds with learning difficulties find accommodation.
Ipswich crown court heard how he got the job by leaving the “previous convictions” section of his application form blank.
Landazuri was arrested in July after an allegation of sexual assault on a female over 16 was made against him. He was never charged in connection with the allegation.

But after discovering his real identity, cops charged him with fraudulently applying for his job. He is now back behind bars and will be deported again when his sentence is complete.
Suffolk police and crime commissioner Tim Passmore said he was “absolutely horrified” by the case and demanded tighter border controls to keep criminals out of Britain.
He said: “It beggars belief that yet again we have a foreign national – this time with dual citizenship – with a serious criminal record of a predatory nature against young people has gained entry into the UK despite having a previous conviction and being deported from the country.”

A spokeswoman for the Home Office added: “Foreign criminals have no place in the United Kingdom and we are using all the resources available to protect the British public.”
Landazuri admitted failing to comply with notification requirements under the Sex Offenders’ Act between January 2005 and July 2015. He also admitted fraud by failing to disclose his previous convictions between November 2013 and July 2015. He was jailed for 26 months.

Culled from the Sun

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