Monday 19 October 2015

Students sued over rent after flatmate's death

THREE students too traumatised to return to their house after finding a pal dead in bed are being sued for outstanding rent.

Dead in bed ... Robert
Robert was found dead in his bed

Dan McCourt, Elon Carlton-Carew and Adam Waller tried to revive Robert Chavda, 21, who died of a brain haemorrhage after taking MDMA.

They were given stress counselling and rehoused by Canterbury Christ Church University in Kent.
Landlord Werner Toogood now wants £6,529 for the last five months of their contract.

He took the claim to Medway civil court and a verdict is due this month.

He said: “It was not our circumstances which changed, but the tenants’.”

Dan’s mum Nicola, 48, argued Rob’s death made the contract invalid. She said: “Their whole worlds caved in.”
A fourth student, Jack Dick, has paid in full to avoid court action.

Story culled from The Sun

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