Saturday 31 October 2015

Survivors heard in russian plane wreckage

I do hope this is true!

According to the Sun, officials at the scene report that voices of trapped passengers can be heard in a section of the wreckage

Plane is thought to have come down in the Sinai desertSinai

 Authorities at the crash site report that bodies are still strapped into their seats – with a huge search and rescue operation launched.
At least 40 ambulances have rushed to the scene.

Ambulances head for the crash site
One officer – who has not been named – said: “There is another section of the plane with passengers inside that the rescue team is still trying to enter.

“We hope to find survivors especially after hearing pained voices of people inside.”

Route the plane took before crashflight route map

A security officer said: “I now see a tragic scene. A lot of dead on the ground and many who died whilst strapped to their seats.
“The plane split into two, a small part on the tail end that burned and a larger part that crashed into a rock.
“We have extracted at least 100 bodies and the rest are still inside.”

Relatives wait for newsRelatives

Russia has also declared a day of mourning tomorrow.

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