Saturday 26 September 2015

Sepp Blatter faces swiss criminal investigation

Swiss prosecutors are currently investigating Sepp Blatter who is the head of football world govering body Fifa.

Mr Blatter is said to have signed a contract that was 'unfavourable to Fifa' and making a 'disloyal payment' to European football chief Michael Platini.

79year old Blatter who has run Fifa since 1998 maintains his innocence.Fifa has recently been hit by a string of allegations.

Blatter & Platini

According to the Swiss attorney general,Mr Blatter is suspected of paying two million swisss francs(£1.3m) in 2011 to Mr Platini.

Mr Blatter is due to step down in February and Mr Platini is widely speculated to take his place.

Mr Platini on his part,issued a statement stating funds received from Mr Blatter 'relates to work carried out under a contract with Fifa'.

The investigation is still ongoing.....

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