Thursday 24 September 2015

Russia exhumes remains of the late Tsar Nicholas and his family

Russian Authorities have exhumed the remains of Tsar Nicholas and his family in a bid to solve thier 1918 murders.

The Family who were killed by revolutionary Bolsheviks are buried in a St Petersburg cathedral.

Tsar Nicholas,his wife Alexandra,their four daughters,son and four royal members staff were murdered in the cellar of a house in Yekaterinburg in 1918.

The Romanov family were ousted from power and exiled in 1917.The royal couple and three of their daughters were formally reburied on the 17th of July 1998-the 80th anniversary of the murders.The couple and three of thier daughters are said to have been canonised by the Russian Orthodox church in 2000 while thier son Alexei and remaining daughter Maria are likely to be canonised before 2018.

Their remains is currently kept at the Russian state Archives.

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