Monday 7 September 2015

Fashion/Beauty Tip:

Do you spend loads of money trying to get rid of those wrinkles or roughness on your hands?

Does it actually work? I found a very easy and less cost free way to get my hands and palms feeling ever so soft!!!

Trust me guys,i have tried this and it actually works! Here goes:

Pour 4 tablespoons of powdered milk into a deep bowl(deep enough to soak your hands in).

Add ice cold water into the milk and stir.Water needs to be very cold though.

Soak your hands in for about 10mins making sure the outer part of your palms are covered in the milk water.

After 10mins use a warm towel to dab your hands in(pls don't rinse off completely with water).

Do this continuously everyday for 2 weeks and you will get amazing results.Remember to thank me later....

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