Thursday 19 November 2015

Charlie Sheen reveals his HIV positive

Hollywood Actor Charlie Sheen has revealed he is HIV positive in an interview with Today's Matt Lauer.

The 50year old says he decided to make the announcement to end a smear campaign and extortion!He discovered he was HIV positive in 2011.

A former Hollywood Madam has stated she supplied prostitutes to Sheen and then wife Brooke Mueller two years ago.He reportedly spent $1.6 million on prostitutes two years after he discovered he was HIV positive ad would reportedly pay more for the girls not to use protection.

It is not exactly known how he contracted the virus,though sources have stated he contracted the virus from a transexual.

While I feel bad for him,i cnt help but wonder why u would pay women as much as $100,000 a night without safe sex when you already knew you are HIV positive.

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